Delay & Reverb Time Calculator
Delay lengths for different note values in reference to your BPM
Note Value | Notes | Dotted | Triplets |
1/1 (1 Bar) |
2000 ms / 0.5 Hz | 3000 ms / 0.33 Hz | 1333.33 ms / 0.75 Hz |
1/2 (2 Beats) |
1000 ms / 1 Hz | 1500 ms / 0.67 Hz | 666.67 ms / 1.5 Hz |
1/4 (1 Beat) |
500 ms / 2 Hz | 750 ms / 1.33 Hz | 333.33 ms / 3 Hz |
1/8 | 250 ms / 4.00 Hz | 375 ms / 2.67 Hz | 166.67 ms / 6.00 Hz |
1/16 | 125 ms / 8.00 Hz | 187.5 ms / 5.33 Hz | 83.33 ms / 12.00 Hz |
1/32 | 62.5 ms / 16.00 Hz | 93.75 ms / 10.67 Hz | 41.67 ms / 24.00 Hz |
1/64 | 31.25 ms / 32.00 Hz | 46.88 ms / 21.33 Hz | 20.83 ms / 48.01 Hz |
1/128 | 15.63 ms / 63.98 Hz | 23.44 ms / 42.66 Hz | 10.42 ms / 95.97 Hz |
1/256 | 7.81 ms / 128.04 Hz | 11.72 ms / 85.32 Hz | 5.21 ms / 191.94 Hz |
1/512 | 3.91 ms / 255.75 Hz | 5.86 ms / 170.65 Hz | 2.6 ms / 384.62 Hz |
Delay & Reverb Calculator
You can now also calculate your delay and reverb settings within the respective Android app.
Find the right time settings for your reverb!
Many professional audio engineers set their reverb according to the tempo of the song they are working on. The reason for this is to make the reverb vibe with the pulse of the track. With this handy Pre-Delay and Reverb Time Calculator, you can easily find out which pre-delay and decay time settings are likely to go with the BPM of your song. If you want to detect the BPM of a song check out the BPM Calculator.
A natural sounding reverb brings more life to your music
To get a natural sounding reverb the pre-delay is crucial. Humans are accustomed to hearing a specific delay before they hear a reverb. This gap is defined by the pre-delay of your reverb. In the calculator above you can find commonly used values for the pre-delay and the decay time. Adding or subtracting a few milliseconds from these timing values can create a pushing or pulling feel to your groove.
How to calculate the pre-delay of your reverb
1/64 delay time: 31.25 ms –> pre-delay time: 31.25 ms
1/2 delay time: 1000 ms –> decay time: 1000 ms – 31.25 ms = 968.75 ms
The second table shows you the delay lengths of different note values, which are a good starting point for your pre-delay and decay time. In this example, I took the 1/64 notes delay time as my pre-delay. Should the pre-delay be too long you can also take the 1/128 notes delay time. If it is too short you can also try out the 1/32 delay time.
Next, we want to adjust the decay time to fill the gap between the pre-delay and the total reverb time. I chose the delay length of a half note to create a small room. Now you just have to subtract the pre-delay from the total reverb time to get the decay time. Which in this example is 968.75 ms.
You can use different reverb settings for different instruments in your track to create depth. Strings, for example, can sound amazing with a long reverb tail while the kick drum maybe should stay up front (it all depends on what you want to create). But use this technique cautiously, as many reverbs can also destroy your mix. Especially if you only have instruments that would normally play in the same room. If this is the case, you can use the same room reverb on all instruments to create the feeling that all instruments are playing in the same place.
Some additional tips: Often a room reverb for a song is adjusted to the snare. The goal is that the reverb of one snare hit dies just before the next snare hit. While the snare most often comes on upbeats the half note delay is always a good starting point if you are in a 4/4 time signature, and your snare hits on the 2nd, and 4th beat. If your snare hits on the 3rd beat, you can try out the whole notes delay time as a total reverb time. To further clean up your mix try a low- (600Hz) and a high cut (ca600Hz) on your reverb. You can also put a compressor on your reverb send and sidechain it to the audio source so the reverb gets ducked when your instrument plays. You can find more information on how to mix reverb in this blog article by iZotope.
Delay Calculator to determine the right delay time for your song
You can use a delay to make your tracks more interesting by adding movement, and also depth. Timing the delay to the tempo of your track will create depth while the delay is not noticeable. But sometimes you also want the delay to be noticeable. For example, when you want to add movement. The Delay and Reverb Time Calculator can help you with both.
While most modern delay effects can be synchronized to the projects BPM some are not capable of doing this. The delay calculator helps you to find the right settings for your delay. For depth, just try out different delay times out of the normal notes list.
A great way to create movement is by adding multiple delays, with different timings. It even gets more interesting if you use triplets or dotted notes. For example, you can try using three different delays with three different delay lengths and pan them to the right, the center, and the left.
Furthermore, the delay calculator is very useful if you use guitar pedals, that allow you to enter a delay in milliseconds.
Tune your LFO to the tempo of your song
A low-frequency oscillator (LFO) is an electronic device (or software) which creates a rhythmic pulse or sweep that usually is below 20 Hz . This pulse is often used to modulate synthesizers, delay lines and other musical gear to create effects like vibrato, tremolo and phasing for example.
In addition to the milliseconds, the delay calculator also shows you the respective Hertz values for the various note values. Try some of them with your LFOs to create great effects that vibe with your tracks.
Как рассчитать дилей в темп
Это зависит от размерности и степени свингованости ритма.
например при ортодоксальном 4/4 ритме в темпе 120/60 bpm подходящие задержки кратны 250 или 125 мс — 250, 375, 500, 625, 750.
однако, если ритмика содержит классические триоли, то задержки могут быть такие: 333, 500, 667, 1000 мс
в более сложных ритмиках (пентоли, септоли. ) или с произвольно свингованостью задержки могут быть еще менее очевидными, но тоже легко вычисляются, если аранжировщик себе ясно представляет ритмику во времени. Надо учиться рисовать ритмы и смотреть на графике куда попадают те или иные "отражения".
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Вот из Овсински выдержка, может, поможет с триолями.
Время задержки измеряется относительно темпа с помощью музыкальных длительностей. Иначе говоря, если темп песни120 уд/мин., то время звучания одной четверти будет полсекунды. (60 с:120 уд./мин. = 0,5 с) Таким образом, задержка в четверть будет равна половине секунды (или 500 мс, по общепринятой градуировке).
Но 500 мс — слишком большой промежуток времени, и может отодвинуть сигнал-источник
относительно музыки слишком далеко назад. Разделите это время пополам, и получите задержку в одну восьмую. (500 мс: 2 = 250 мс).
Разделите еще раз, и получите задержку в одну шестнадцатую. (250 мс: 2 = 125 мс).
Еще раз — получится время задержки в одну тридцатьвторую. (125 мс: 2 = 62,5 мс, округляем до 63).
Снова делим пополам и получаем задержку в одну шестьдесятчетвертую. (62,5 мс: 2 = 31,25 мс, округляем до 31).
Делим еще раз, (31,25 мс: 2 = 15,625 мс, округлим до 16 мс), получаем одну стодвадцатьвосьмую.
Делим пополам и получаем одну двестипятьдесятшестую (16 мс: 2 = 8 мс).
Несмотря на мнимую мизерность задержек в 8 и 16 мс, ими пользуются постоянно — делают
звук больше и шире. Но даже такая короткая задержка значительно естественнее вписывается в звучание, если предварительно рассчитана.
Иногда необходимо использовать другие нотные длительности — триоли, восьмые, шестнадцатые с точкой, и т.д. Они вычисляются по формулам:
Время задержки x 1,5 = Нота с точкой
Пример: 500 мс (задержка в 1 четверть при темпе 120 уд./мин. ) х 1,5 = 750 мс, или четверть
с точкой.
Время задержки х 0,667 = Триольная длительность
Пример: 500 мс (задержка в 1 четверть при темпе 120 уд./мин. ) х 0,667 = 333,5 мс, или
триоль восьмыми.
Так же, как и при квадратном дроблении (четверти, восьмые и т. д.) вы можете постоянно делить приведенные значения пополам, пока не вычислите нужное время задержки.
Расчет времени задержки.
60000 : Темп в уд./мин. = Задержка в одну четверть в миллисекундах.
Все остальные значения рассчитываются:
Деление на 2 = более короткие длительности.
Умножение на 1,5 = длительности с точкой.
Умножение на 0,667 = триольные длительности.
Delay Time Calculator
Enter a BPM. In music, tempo is measured in BPM (beats per minute).
View the calculated delay & reverb times. Now you can easily view a table of each division represented in milliseconds.
Discover more
Free online reverb & delay time calculator for converting BPM into MS.
The importance of setting tempo-based delay times
Delay & reverb time in milliseconds is directly correlated with BPM. Thus, synching these two things is imperative to getting a strong mix.
Music is all about time. Using a delay calculator to get your beats to be represented in exact milliseconds is crucial. The calculation is quite simple, but a tool like this can help you visualize the delay times for each timing division in your project. For example, you will be able to see divisions from 1 bar all the way down to a 1/128 note including quarter notes, half notes, and the rest!.
To calculate delay times by hand, you just need to divide 60,000 by your BPM. There are 60 seconds in 1 minute (need reference), which equates to 60,000 milliseconds in one minute. Dividing this number by your BPM will, thus, give you the value of a quarter note in milliseconds.
Как рассчитать дилей в темп
60,000 ms (1 minute) / Tempo (BPM) = Delay Time in ms for quarter-note beats
60,000 / 120 BPM = 500 ms 60,000 / 750 ms = 80 BPM 60,000 / 96 BPM = 625 ms 60,000 / 833.333 ms = 72 BPM |
Calculation of the delay timet for a quarter note (crotchet) at the tempo b in bpm.
t = 1 / b. Therefore: 1 min / 96 = 60,000 ms / 96 = 625 ms.
1/4 = quarter-note echo 1/8 = eighth-note echo 1/8T = eighth-note triplet echo 1/16 = sixteenth-note echo Example: Song tempo is 120 BPM. Set delay time to 250 for eighth note echo. |
Conversion Tempo to Beats per minute • Delay values to the nearest millisecond.