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Private locking volvo что это

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Volvo XC90 (2019 year). Manual — part 15

(2) this device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.

Any changes or modification not expressly
approved by the party responsible for compliance
could void the user’s authority to operate this

Volvo Standard Key IC: 4008C-HUF8423

Volvo Tag ID IC: 4008C-HUF8432

This device complies with Industry Canada
license-exempt RSS standards. Operation is sub-
ject to the following two conditions:

(1) This device may not cause harmful interfer-
ence, and (2) this device must accept any inter-
ference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.

Immobilizer and Passive entry/Passive
start* systems


This device complies with part 15 of the FCC
rules. Operation is subject to the following two

(1) This device may not cause harmful interfer-
ence, and

(2) this device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.

Any changes or modification not expressly
approved by the party responsible for compliance
could void the user’s authority to operate this

This device complies with Industry Canada
license-exempt RSS standards. Operation is sub-
ject to the following two conditions:

(1) This device may not cause harmful interfer-
ence, and (2) this device must accept any inter-
ference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.

Частичная охрана volvo что это

Частичная охрана volvo что это

Опция/дополнительное оборудование, дополнительную информацию см. Введение.

Если кто-либо хочет остаться в автомобиле,
а двери должны быть заперты снаружи,
функцию блокировки замков можно вре-
менно отключить. Для этого:

Откройте в системе меню

(подробное описание системы

меню см. стр. 128).

Режим частичной охраны

Активировать один раз

> На дисплее приборной панели ото-

Реж.частичн.охр. См.

, и, когда автомобиль

запирается, блокировка замков

Спросить при выходе

> Каждый раз при остановке двигателя

на дисплее аудиосистемы отобража-
ется сообщение

ENTER – режим

частичной охраны до следующего
пуска двигателя. Отмена — EXIT

выберите один из вариантов.

Если вы хотите отключить блокировку

Нажмите ENTER и заприте автомобиль.
(Если в автомобиле установлена сигна-
лизация с датчиками движения и
крена*, они отключаются одновре-
менно, см. стр. 61.)

> В следующий раз при пуске двигателя

система сбрасывается, и на дисплее
приборной панели отображается

Полная охрана

означает, что блокировка замков, а
также датчики движения и крена
вновь подключены.

Если вы не хотите изменить режим
системы замков

Заприте автомобиль, не сделав выбора.

Нажмите EXIT и заприте автомобиль.

Если в автомобиле установлена сигнали-

Помните, что при запирании автомо-
биля включается сигнализация.

Если одна из дверей открывается
изнутри, сигнализация срабатывает.


Чтобы не запереть кого-нибудь по
ошибке в автомобиле, не позволяйте
никому оставаться в автомобиле, не
отключив перед этим функцию блоки-
ровки замков.

Мы задаем стандарты безопасности

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Высокие стандарты

IntelliSafe — это комплекс стандартного оборудования безопасности в каждом новом автомобиле Volvo. Высокий уровень стандартного оснащения всех новых автомобилей Volvo помогает нам реализовать наши планы в области обеспечения безопасности за счет сокращения рисков попадания людей в непредвиденные ситуации в автомобилях Volvo. Зная о наиболее важных функциях безопасности, вы сможете понять, как наши системы помогают нам выполнить обещание: люди не должны будут получать серьезные травмы или погибать в новых автомобилях Volvo.

Частичная охрана volvo что это

City Safety

Система City Safety помогает защищать людей внутри автомобиля и снаружи. Эта система фиксирует потенциальные опасности и помогает избежать их. Volvo Cars первая представила этот тип системы безопасности в качестве стандарта для каждого нового автомобиля Volvo. City Safety использует радар и камеру для опознавания других автомобилей, велосипедистов, пешеходов и крупных животных, например, лосей, оленей или лошадей. Система работает днем и ночью. Она предупреждает водителя в случае обнаружения риска столкновения. Если водитель не реагирует вовремя, система может в автоматическом режиме применить торможение, чтобы избежать столкновения или снизить его негативные последствия.

Если разница скорости между Volvo и автомобилем впереди не превышает 50 км/ч, система способна предотвратить столкновение, даже если водитель не успевает отреагировать на опасную ситуацию. Если разница скоростей выше, система поможет снизить негативные последствия столкновения. В некоторых наших моделях City Safety включает функцию автоматического подруливания, которая помогает водителю эффективно и безопасно избежать столкновения.

Частичная охрана volvo что это

Активные системы безопасности с технологиями подключения

Наш подход к обеспечению безопасности уникален. С 70-х годов мы проводим тщательные исследования дорожно-транспортных происшествий и разработали системы и технологии, которые помогают снизить негативные последствия столкновений, повысить уровень внимания водителя, предоставить информацию водителю об ограничениях скорости и даже обеспечить взаимодействие с другими автомобилями, когда впереди водителя ждет опасный участок дороги (система предупреждения о скользкой дороге с функцией предупреждения аварийными сигналами).

Мы понимаем, как происходят наиболее типичные столкновения и происшествия с участием одного автомобиля, поэтому мы разработали решения безопасности для снижения рисков возникновения большинства вероятных сценариев, которые могут привести к столкновению или непреднамеренному сходу автомобиля с дороги.

Настройки автомобиля. Частичная охрана (подробное опи-. сание системы меню см. стр. ). показывается сообщение. Включить. частичную охрану до след. запуска двигателя?, за которым.

Volvo goes into emergency mode / Volvo становится на аварийный режим

У меня много разных кнопок. Что означает AUX?

Центр безопасности Volvo

Система старт/стоп Вольво! // Хорошо или плохо? Какой бывает попадос!?

Поведение Volvo при поломке блока CEM

Вольво Сирена которую не восстановить(8637399)

R reduced guard see manual режим частичной охраны, см. руководство по эксплуатации remote control Периодичность и перечень регламентных работ по ТО автомобилей Volvo (сроки плановой диагностики, регулировочных работ, замены масла и. Поломки в электросети. Посетите СТО ONLY VOLVO)). Частичная охрана. Обратитесь к инструкции. Remote control change battery. Важно знать! Три причины перехода автоматической КПП в аварийный режим: 1. Нехватка или перелив трансмиссионного масла.

Многие владельцы Volvo частенько жалуются, что машина при постановке на сигнализацию закрывает двери, но не встает на охрану. Чаще всего в этом виноват концевой выключатель в . Lazanzarina rašė:gal kazkas paaiskejo del kalbos keitimo? butu mano xc70 italu kalba tai puse bedos, bet turiu svedu ir is viso nu nikeo nesuprantu, o kazkokia klaida pastoviai meta. svedu zodzius neeina atsimint, kad veliau per zodyna pasiziuret reiksme. gal kas zino kas klaipedoj arba vilniuje galetu pakeist kalba arba nors klaidas nuskaityt ir paaiskint ka tai reiskia?

Volvo S40 ( год). Руководство провести персональные настройки. Это относится в настройке замков, климата и Режим частичной охраны*. В меню есть пункт- режим частичной охраны. Вернуться к Что обозначает режим частичной охраны? Вернуться И как это сделать?

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Get it on F-Droid

A simple app to automatically lock your phone based on movement force, or the acceleration to be more accurate.

Private Lock can help protect your privacy and security by monitoring the accelerometer in the background and if the threshold is breached, lock the screen.

The main use cases are if your phone is taken while you’re using it, or you drop your phone. As an additional bonus, it can also help save wear and tear on your power button!

Inspired by the abandoned PluckLockEx project, which is based on PluckLock.

  • Lock phone when accelerometer threshold is breached
  • Animation to help test & visualize lock sensitivity
  • Notification when service is running
  • Start service on boot option
  • Home screen widget
  • Pause service for your defined length of time

Device admin permission for locking screen.

  • android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED (start on boot)
  • android.permission.WAKE_LOCK (start on boot)
  • android.permission.BIND_DEVICE_ADMIN (lock the screen)
  • android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE (run the service)
  • android.permission.BIND_JOB_SERVICE (run the service)

To contribute, or to report issues please use the Issue Tracker.

You will need to use your PIN code to unlock when phone lock is triggered, even when fingerprint/pattern unlock is enabled. This is a system limitation and according to Google, a «feature, not a bug».

This is not an issue on rooted phones, however root isn’t supported as of yet.

If you experience issues, please make sure battery optimizations are disabled for the app.

Free from ads and tracking.

If you find these apps useful, consider supporting me in some way in my mission to create simple, useful, privacy-oriented, open-source apps.

lock VOLVO S90 2020 Quick Guide

VOLVO S90 2020 Quick Guide 6 Parking climate* 223 Preconditioning * 224 Starting and stopping precondi- tioning * 224 Preconditioning timer * 225 Adding and editing timer settingsfor preconditioning * 225 Activating and deact

Parking climate*
Preconditioning *
Starting and stopping precondi- tioning * 224
Preconditioning timer *
Adding and editing timer settingsfor preconditioning * 225
Activating and deactivating pre-conditioning timer * 226
Deleting preconditioning timersettings * 227
Climate comfort retaining function *
Starting and switching off the cli-mate retaining function when parking *228
Parking climate symbols and mes-sages * 229
Lock indication
Lock confirmation settings 233
Remote key 234
Locking and unlocking using the remote key 236
Settings for remote and insidedoor unlock 237
Remote key range 237
Replacing the remote key's battery 238
Ordering additional remote keys 241
Red Key — restricted remote key *
Settings for Red Key *
Detachable key blade 244
Locking and unlocking withdetachable key blade 245
Electronic immobilizer 246
Start and lock system type desig-nations 247
Keyless and touch-sensitive surfaces *
Keyless locking and unlocking *
Keyless unlock settings *
Keyless trunk lid unlock *
Antenna locations for the startand lock system 251
Locking and unlocking from insidethe vehicle 252

Unlocking the trunk lid from inside the vehicle253
Opening the trunk lid from insidethe trunk 254
Activating and deactivating childsafety locks 254
Automatic locking when driving 256
Opening and closing the power trunk lid * 256
Opening and closing the trunk lidwith foot movement * 259
Private Locking 260
Activating and deactivating pri- vate locking 260
Alarm 261
Arming and disarming the alarm 262

Page 11 of 643

VOLVO S90 2020 Quick Guide 9 STARTING AND DRIVING Starting the vehicle378 Switching off the vehicle 380 Ignition modes 381 Selecting ignition mode 382 Brake functions 382 Brakes 383 Brake Assist System 384 Braking on wet roads

Starting the vehicle378
Switching off the vehicle 380
Ignition modes 381
Selecting ignition mode 382
Brake functions 382
Brakes 383
Brake Assist System 384
Braking on wet roads 384
Braking on salted roads 385
Maintenance of the brake system 385
Parking brake 385
Activating and deactivating the parking brake 386
Settings for automatically activat-ing the parking brake 387
Parking on a hill 388
Parking brake malfunction 388
Auto-hold brakes 389
Activating and deactivating Auto-hold at a standstill 390
Hill Start Assist 390
Braking assist after a collision 391
Transmission 391
Automatic transmission 391
Gear selector positions for auto-matic transmissions 392

Using the steering wheel paddles
to shift 395
Shiftlock 397
Deactivating the automatic shiftlock 398
The kickdown function 398
All Wheel Drive (AWD) *
Drive modes *
Changing drive mode *
Eco drive mode 401
Activating and deactivating Eco drive mode using the function button 404
Start/Stop function 404
Driving with the Start/Stop function 404
Deactivating the Start/Stop function 406
Conditions for the Start/Stop function 406
Leveling control * and suspension
Leveling control settings *
Economical driving 411
Preparing for a long trip 412
Winter driving 412
Driving through standing water 413
Opening/closing the fuel filler door 414
Refueling 414
Fuel 415
Octane rating 416

Emission controls418
Overheating of engine and trans- mission 418
Battery drain 419
Jump starting using another battery 420
Towing using a towline 422
Attaching and removing the tow-ing eyelet 423
Recovery 425
HomeLink ®
* 425
Programming HomeLink ®
* 426
Using HomeLink ®
* 428
Type approval for HomeLink ®
* 429
Compass *
Activating and deactivating the compass * 430
Calibrating the compass *

Page 28 of 643

VOLVO S90 2020 Quick Guide YOUR VOLVO 26 Contacting VolvoUse the following contact information if you would like to get in touch with Volvo in theUnited States or Canada. In the USA: Volvo Car USA, LLCCustomer Care Center1 Volv

Contacting VolvoUse the following contact information if you would like to get in touch with Volvo in theUnited States or Canada.
In the USA: Volvo Car USA, LLCCustomer Care Center1 Volvo Drive,P.O. Box 914Rockleigh, New Jersey In Canada: Volvo Car Canada Ltd.Customer Care Centre9130 Leslie Street, Suite 101Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B
Volvo ID Volvo ID is a personal ID that gives you access to a range of services using a singleusername and password.
The available services can vary over time and depend on equipment level and mar-ket.
Examples of services: Volvo On Call-app — check your vehicle using your phone. You can check fuellevel, find the nearest gas station and lockthe vehicle remotely.
Send to Car – send addresses from onlinemap services directly to the vehicle.
Send a request for service and repairsdirectly from the vehicle. The booking willthen be completed via email.
If the username/password for a service (e.g. Volvo On Call) is changed, the changewill also automatically be applied to otherservices.
The creation of a Volvo ID is initiated through the Volvo On Call app or from the vehicle and then completed by email. When a Volvo ID is registered in the vehicle,additional services are available. MultipleVolvo IDs can be used for the same vehicle,and multiple vehicles can be linked to thesame Volvo ID.
Related information

Creating and registering a Volvo ID(p. 27)
Scheduling service and repairs (p. 547)

Page 50 of 643

VOLVO S90 2020 Quick Guide || SAFETY 48 WARNING Never repair the belt yourself. Repairs should only be performed by a trainedand qualified Volvo service technician. Any device used to induce slack intothe shoulder belt portion

Never repair the belt yourself. Repairs should only be performed by a trainedand qualified Volvo service technician.
Any device used to induce slack intothe shoulder belt portion of the three-point belt system will have a detrimen-tal effect on the amount of protectionavailable in the event of a collision.
The seat back should not be tilted toofar back. The shoulder belt must betaut in order to function properly.
Do not use any type of child restraint inthe front passenger seat. We recom-mend that children who have outgrownthese devices sit in the rear seat withthe seat belt properly fastened.
Related information
Safety (p. 42)
Seat belt tensioners (p. 50)
Buckling and unbuckling seat belts(p. 48)
Door and seat belt reminders (p. 51)
Buckling and unbuckling seat belts Make sure that all passengers have buckled their seat belts before starting to drive.Buckling seat belts1. Pull out the belt slowly and make sure it is
not twisted or damaged.
The seat belt is equipped with a seat belt retractor that will lock up in the followingsituations: if the belt is pulled out too quickly.
during braking and acceleration.
if the vehicle is leaning excessively.
when driving in turns.
if the automatic locking retractor/emer- gency locking retractor (ALR/ELR) isactivated. Each seat belt (except for thedriver's) is equipped with an ALR func-tion, which is designed to keep the seatbelt taut when installing a childrestraint. ALR is activated when the seatbelt is pulled out as far as possible. Ifthis is done, a sound from the seat beltretractor will be audible, which is nor-mal. The seat belt can now only be fedinto the retractor, not pulled out. Thisfunction is automatically disabled whenthe seat belt is unbuckled and fullyretracted.

Page 51 of 643

2. Buckle the seat belt by pushing the latch
plate into the receptacle.
> A distinct "click" indicates that the beltis locked into place.
Always insert the seat belt latch plate into the belt buckle on the correct side. Failureto do so could cause the seat belts and beltbuckles to malfunction in a collision. Thereis a risk of serious injury. 3. The height of the seat belts in the front
seats can be adjusted.
Press the button on the seat belt holder and move the belt up or down. Position the belt as high as possible with- out it chafing against the neck.
The belt should be positioned closely over the shoul- der (against the collarbone, not down over the arm).
4. Tighten the lap section of the seat beltover the hips by pulling the diagonal sec- tion upward toward the shoulder.
The lap section of the seat belt should be positioned low on the hips (not against the abdomen).

Page 55 of 643

VOLVO S90 2020 Quick Guide SAFETY >> 53 WARNING If your vehicle has become water-damaged in any way (e.g., soaked floor mats/stand-ing water on the floor of the vehicle), donot attempt to start the engine. This maycause airbag » width=»960″ height=»677″ /></p>
<p>SAFETY <br />>> <br />53 <br />WARNING <br />If your vehicle has become water-damaged in any way (e.g., soaked floor mats/stand-ing water on the floor of the vehicle), donot attempt to start the engine. This maycause airbag deployment, which couldresult in serious injury. Volvo recommendstowing the vehicle directly to an authorizedVolvo workshop. Before attempting to tow the vehicle: <br />1. Switch off the ignition for at least 10minutes and disconnect the battery. <br />2. Follow the instructions for manually overriding the shiftlock system. <br />Deployed airbags <br />WARNING <br />If any of the airbags have deployed: <br />Do not attempt to drive the vehicle. Have it towed to an authorized work-shop. <br />If necessary, seek medical attention. <br />Related information</p>
<p>Safety (p. 42) <br />Driver/passenger-side airbags (p. 53) <br />Side airbags (p. 60) <br />Inflatable curtain (p. 60) <br />Driver/passenger-side airbags <br />As a supplement to the seat belts, the vehicle is equipped with driver and passenger sidefront airbags. <br />Driver/passenger side front airbags. <br />In a frontal collision, the airbags help protect the driver's and passenger's head, neck, faceand chest and the driver's knees and legs. A collision of a sufficiently violent force will trigger the sensors and one or more airbagswill inflate. The airbag helps cushion the initial impact of the collision for the passenger. The airbag deflates when compressed by the colli-sion. A small amount of powder will also bereleased from the airbag. This may appear to be smoke and is normal. The entire process, from inflation to deflation of the airbag, occurswithin tenths of a second. <br />NOTE <br />The sensors react differently depending on the circumstances of the accident andwhether or not the seat belt is used. Thisapplies to all belt positions. There may therefore be accident situations in which only one (or none) of the airbagsare deployed. The sensors monitor theimpact of the collision and react accord-ingly to deploy one, several or no airbags. <br />WARNING <br />The seat belt and the airbag work together. If the seat belt is not used or is used incor-rectly, the airbag may not provide theintended protection in a collision. To help prevent injury in the event the air- bag is deployed, passengers should sit asupright as possible, with their feet on thefloor and their backs against the seat back-rest. <br />WARNING <br />Volvo recommends contacting an author- ized Volvo workshop for repairs. Incorrectlyperformed repairs to the airbag systemcould impair function and lead to seriousinjury.</p>
<h4>Page 61 of 643</h4>
<p><img loading=

No objects that add to the total weight on the seat should be placed on thefront passenger's seat. If a child isseated in the front passenger's seatwith any additional weight, this extraweight could cause the OWS systemto enable the airbag, which mightcause it to deploy in the event of a col-lision, thereby injuring the child.
The seat belt should never be wrappedaround an object on the front passeng-er's seat. This could interfere with theOWS system's function.
The front passenger's seat belt shouldnever be used in a way that exertsmore pressure on the passenger thannormal. This could increase the pres-sure exerted on the weight sensor by achild, and could result in the airbagbeing enabled, which might cause it todeploy in the event of a collision,thereby injuring the child.
Keep the following points in mind with respect to the OWS system. Failure tofollow these instructions couldadversely affect the system's functionand result in serious injury to the occu-pant of the front passenger's seat.
The full weight of the front seat pas-senger should always be on the seatcushion. The passenger should neverlift him/herself off the seat cushionusing the armrest in the door or thecenter console, by pressing the feet onthe floor, by sitting on the edge of theseat cushion, or by pressing againstthe backrest in a way that reducespressure on the seat cushion. Thiscould cause OWS to disable the front,passenger's side airbag.
Do not place any type of object on the front passenger's seat in such a waythat jamming, pressing, or squeezingoccurs between the object and thefront seat, other than as a direct resultof the correct use of the AutomaticLocking Retractor/Emergency LockingRetractor (ALR/ELR) seat belt.
No objects should be placed under thefront passenger's seat. This could inter-fere with the OWS system's function.
Related information
Driver/passenger-side airbags (p. 53)

Page 63 of 643

VOLVO S90 2020 Quick Guide SAFETY >> 61 WARNING Volvo recommends contacting an author- ized Volvo workshop for repair. Incorrectlyperformed repairs to the inflatable curtainsystem could impair function and lead toserious injury» width=»960″ height=»677″ /></p>
<p>SAFETY <br />>> <br />61 <br />WARNING <br />Volvo recommends contacting an author- ized Volvo workshop for repair. Incorrectlyperformed repairs to the inflatable curtainsystem could impair function and lead toserious injury. <br />WARNING <br />Never hang or attach heavy objects in the handle in the ceiling. The hooks are onlyintended for lightweight garments (not forhard objects such as umbrellas). Never screw or mount anything to the vehi- cle's headlining, door pillars or side panels.This could impair the intended protectiveproperties. Volvo recommends only usingVolvo original parts that are approved forplacement in these areas. <br />WARNING <br />If objects are loaded higher than the upper edge of the side windows, leave a 10 cm(4 in.) space between the objects and thewindow. Objects placed closer to thiscould impede the function of the inflatablecurtain concealed inside the headlining. <br />WARNING <br />The inflatable curtain is a supplement to the seat belt. Always wear your seat belt. <br />Related information <br />Airbags (p. 52) <br />Safety mode Safety mode is a feature that is triggered after a collision if there is potential damage toan important function in the vehicle, such asthe fuel lines, sensors for one of the safetysystems, the brake system, etc. <br />If the vehicle has been involved in a collision, the text Safety mode See Owner's manualmay appear in the instrument panel along with the warning symbol if the panel is undamagedand the vehicle's electrical system is intact.The message indicates that one or more of thevehicle's functions may be reduced. <br />WARNING <br />Never attempt to restart the vehicle if you smell fuel fumes when the message Safety <br />mode See Owner's manual is displayed <br />in the instrument panel. Leave the vehicle immediately. <br />If safety mode has been set, it may be possi- ble to reset the system in order to start andmove the vehicle a short distance, for exam-ple, if it is blocking traffic.</p>
<h4>Page 64 of 643</h4>
<p><img loading=

Never attempt to perform repairs or reset electrical components on your own afterthe vehicle has been in safety mode. Thiscould result in injury or prevent the vehiclefrom functioning properly. Volvo recom-mends having the vehicle inspected andreset to normal operating status by an authorized Volvo workshop after
mode See Owner's manual has been dis-
When the vehicle is in safety mode, it should not be towed behind another vehi-cle. It should be towed from the site on atow truck. Volvo recommends towing thevehicle directly to an authorized Volvoworkshop.
Related information
Safety (p. 42)
Starting and moving the vehicle when it is in safety mode (p. 62)
Recovery (p. 425)
Starting and moving the vehicle when it is in safety mode If safety mode has been set, it may be possi- ble to reset the system in order to start andmove the vehicle a short distance, for exam-ple, if it is blocking traffic.
Starting the vehicle when it is in safety mode
1. Check the vehicle for damage, particularly
for fuel leakage. Make sure you do not detect any gasoline fumes. If the damage to the vehicle is minor and there is no fuel leakage/fumes, you mayattempt to start the engine.
Never attempt to restart the vehicle if you smell fuel fumes when the message Safety
mode See Owner's manual is displayed
in the instrument panel. Leave the vehicle immediately.
2. Switch off the ignition. 3. Then try to start the vehicle.
> The vehicle's electrical system will per-form a system check and then attempt to reset to normal operating mode.
If the message Safety mode See
Owner's manual is still displayed, the
vehicle should not be driven or towed behind another vehicle. If the vehicle needsto be moved, it must be towed on a towtruck. Even if no damage is apparent, theremay be hidden damage that could makethe vehicle impossible to control.
Moving the vehicle when it is in safety mode
1. If the message Normal mode The
vehicle is now in normal mode is dis-
played after attempting to start the engine, the vehicle may be moved care-fully from its present position if, for exam-ple, it is blocking traffic.
2. Do not move the vehicle farther than abso- lutely necessary.

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